Pure re-branding and greed

Pure seem to be pricing themselves out of the market. What used to be my spread of choice, is now becoming both hard to find and too expensive for every day use. Some time ago, Pure re-branded their packaging. Whereas it used to be simple to tell which type of spread was which, now the unwary shopper can end up with the wrong one all too easily. All the boxes are the same colour, with slightly different illustrations on the lids. Could it be that too many of us were avoiding the (in my opinion) nasty soya one? Are they trying to make us buy the wrong one by mistake? Well, they’re going to be lucky to get me buying any of them very soon. I’m struggling to get the sunflower one in Morrison’s. They’ve opted for the soya one (goodness knows why!) and the price continues to go up and up. It’s now £1.60 a box round our way and that’s getting too expensive for a regular thing. Tesco have brought out their own brand dairy-free spread (review coming very soon) and it’s 40p a tub cheaper. Now that starts to mount up quite quickly. Sorry, Pure, you’re about to lose out to Tesco!

For other suggestions of dairy-free spreads, see our Review pages.

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